What will I learn with my online tutor during our online tutorials?
Literacy students will work towards the appropriate reading level of their age and/or the optimal NZ curriculum level. The online tutor will carefully select texts for the student to practice reading and the online tutor may also read to or along with the student as they develop into a more confident reader. Some of the text choices may include poetry, short stories, picture books and/or novels.
Why is it important to learn how to read?
Being able to read English opens many opportunities for children. People read more than they know, by following instructions, reading signs, and communicating with others. Reading is a helpful tool used in discovery, when being independent and being a part of society.
What if I cannot read at all?
Like all skills, they start with a beginning. Our online tutors have developed skills for learning how to teach letter association, letter blends and other reading techniques which will help you on your way to becoming a reader. It is also encouraged to receive ongoing support from your school's ESOL department, if applicable, to ensure you reach your reading potential.
What will I learn with my online tutor during our online tutorials?
Literacy students will work towards the appropriate writing level of their age and/or the optimal NZ curriculum level. The online tutor will carefully select resources for the student ensure they reach their writing potential. It is important to know how to write letters, words and sentences as this is why the online tutor will work with the literacy student to successfully learn how to print letters, words and correct sentences.
Why is it important to learn how to write?
Writing is another way to communicate with the wider world. When we are able to write, we open up the ability to express ourselves and share ideas with others. Writing is also used in discovery, when being independent and being a part of society.
Although Education is moving progressively towards technology and the ability to type, it is important to know that typing and writing go hand in hand. The skill requires the student to choose a letter, word or sentence in their mind and then record it down.
This is one of the reasons why it is important to have the ability to write.
What if I think my printing is embarrassing?
Being embarrassed of one's writing is quite common in children, especially when they inhibit perfectionism qualities.
A fun fact about writing is that the way in which we write communicates our feelings and the pace in which our brain processes information. When the student learns to be more careful, deliberate and focused in how they write, they may find they write more clearly and distinctly.
Also, we are very lucky to have online tutors who use a variety of techniques such as praise, humour and relatable storytelling to assure the student can feel safe to print in front of the online tutor.
What will I learn with my online tutor during our online tutorials?
Literacy students will work towards the appropriate speaking level of their age and/or the optimal NZ curriculum level. The online tutor will carefully select resources for the student to ensure they reach their speaking potential. It is important to know how to use correct sounds, articulation, volume, and tone when orally communicating with others. It is also equally important to stay on topic, listen to others, be polite, and take turns when having conversations with others.
Students will also develop their confidence to address others by learning to ask questions, interject politely, and act present in the conversation.
Why is it important to learn how to speak to others?
Speaking is another way to communicate with the wider world. When we are able to speak, we open up the ability to express ourselves and share ideas with others. Speaking is also used in discovery, when being independent and being a part of society.
Speaking can also be used to show respect and kindness to others, such as having a nice tone of voice, learning to whisper in libraries, and not talking over top of others when they are sharing something with you.
What if I would like support with speaking to audiences?
The great thing about Tovah is that she is trained in the performing arts and has worked with many anxious and shy students who were afraid of speaking in front of others. She has developed and shared various resources and techniques with her tutors to make sure students feel more confident in themselves and in turn take more risks when speaking in front of others. As Tovah was also once a shy child, she can empathise and tutor at the pace that works best for you.
What will I learn with my online tutor during our online tutorials?
Comprehension is a skill that focuses on making sure students understand what they are reading and writing about. It requires students to be able to read or listen to information and the process it in their own words through talking about it or writing about it. The online tutor has a variety of comprehension activities that allow the student to practice reading and responding to the text through speaking and writing tasks.
Literacy students will work towards the appropriate comprehension level of their age and/or the optimal NZ curriculum level with their online tutor's guidance.
Why is it important to learn how to comprehend information?
Comprehending or comprehension are just other ways of saying understanding, processing and communicating information. Being able to do this allows students to feel certain in the world they are in.
What if I struggle with writing down my ideas and thoughts?
This is a common issue within people and it is has something to do with the fact you are using two different skills when trying to perform this task. The first skill is 'thinking', and if done successfully it will happen in your head. The second skill is 'creation' if this is done correctly you will need to develop / invent the way in which you want to communicate it. This is actually a really complex way and is one of the hardest ways of using your brain, so this is why people struggle doing it.
However, fret not! Our wonderful online tutors are trained in building this skill so you can learn how to use both skills hand in hand.