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An anxious student's guide to NCEA exam prep: The best tip I have!

As a person who is very anxious whenever presented with uncertainty, I think it is important to share my tips on how to be resilient in these situations. One of the best tips I can give is not a new tip, but I will at least tell you of its importance.

The tip is ‘prepare’.

When you prepare for something, you are more than likely to produce acceptable work. There are many reasons why we make sure students are prepared for examinations, and here are my reasons:

student preparing makes sure they feel confident about the NCEA process
Preparing makes sure you feel confident about the NCEA process.

#1 Preparing for NCEA examinations means you have all the paperwork you need to write to the best of your ability.

When you have examples and quotes and notes, you are able to memorise them and include the evidence into your answers. When you have accurate and detailed answers, you are more than likely able to demonstrate you understand the text and can explain why that is. If you don’t have evidence, then it is very difficult to explain or justify your reasonings.

#2 Preparing to follow exam processes makes you sit the NCEA exam properly.

If you have not seen what an NCEA exam looks like or how to answer questions on the paper, you may run into a few difficulties such as what to do if you run out of room and want to write more; how to choose the right question for you; and how to collate evidence for the question you will answer. This is why it is important to make sure you know what to expect.

#3 Preparing for NCEA exams means you can use your time, wisely.

If you know what to write about, it really alleviates the stress of planning and allows for more time to write. By planning ahead about roughly what you will write about, you will be productive in your NCEA exam and have momentum from the get-go. If you start with a blank canvas and no ideas on planning, you will end up spending a lot of time selecting a question, planning your essay answer, and then developing your ideas before you even get stuck into writing. This will take up so much time and will be stressful, especially if your initial idea doesn't flow.

Tovah's Tutoring provides tutorials designed to alleviate stress and prepare you for your NCEA exams.

My NCEA tutorials allow you to feel more confident about your exams, because we practice your answers. We structure your answers around a question you would prefer to answer e.g. character, ideas or setting, and collate evidence that will work best for your NCEA exam answer. Having a rough idea of how you may write your essay and having the right quotes will mean you will have the appropriate content ready to answer one of the essay questions.

Because we like to get you to a point where you can do things on your own.

Tovah O'Neill

Tovah's Tutoring Company Ltd

All the best,

NCEA tutorials for exam prep are available now.



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