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Hey Parents! Here is a cheeky look at what my NCEA Drama tutorials like (Part 2)

Welcome back. Part 2 of this blog is all about how I make sure your child is prepared for their NCEA Drama exam. Just a reminder that your child will be in safe hands if you choose Tovah’s Tutoring as we are caring and highly experienced qualified teachers. But read on to learn more about what we get up to in our tutorials and take a look at Part 1 if you haven’t already, here.

With NCEA Drama exams vastly approaching, it is common for parents to seek NCEA Drama tuition for their children, to make sure they are feeling good to go. Time is of the essence and it is crucial that the NCEA Drama tutorials prepare your child for their NCEA Drama examinations. Our busiest time is about a month before NCEA Drama examinations, and therefore the students who attend tutorials are after a quick look into what they need to prepare and also have a few practices so they feel ready to sit the official NCEA Drama examinations.

It is likely you are reading this wondering what our NCEA Drama tutorials are like and whether it will be a good fit for you, your child, and possibly other siblings later down the track. Well, the following series of blogs will discuss what I personally do during my NCEA Drama tutorials.

I like to make sure that all NCEA Drama students attending my tutorials are prepared for their NCEA examinations.

NCEA Drama students can trust in me to help them with preparing for their NCEA Drama exams.
NCEA Drama students can trust in me to help them with preparing for their NCEA Drama exams.

Here are three ways in which I make sure this happens:

1.) Make sure the NCEA Drama student is prepared with the appropriate NCEA Drama study material suitable:

It is important to make sure your child has the appropriate study material for their NCEA Drama examinations. They cannot take it into their NCEA Drama examination, so it is important that they learn the right material off by heart. Preparing NCEA Drama students with the right material is vital because students will collate a lot of material over the year, but they will need support sifting through it to ensure what is useful and what is not. It is common for NCEA Drama students to learn the wrong things, then enter their NCEA Drama exams and panic because they have no idea how they will use the irrelevant material they have memorised. The outcome isn’t promising either when this happens.

So, in our NCEA Drama tutorials we collate:

Basic information about the text (writer/director’s name, year of publish/release, title, character names

Terminology specific to the NCEA Drama exam (theatre form, elements, techniques, conventions, technologies)

Examples and evidence within the text and page numbers/live performance scene numbers

Opinions about the examples and evidence and basic discussion concept from their own perspective

2.) Make sure the NCEA Drama student knows how to answer an NCEA Drama question formally:

We also learn how to write an answer using paragraph structure that is regularly used in NCEA Drama assessments. When students know how to follow a particular format they will likely write with purpose, rather than ramble and tangent away from the essay question.

3.) Make sure the NCEA Drama student has the appropriate materials to take to their NCEA Drama exam:

There are strict rules with NCEA Drama examinations where students can only bring see through snap lock bags to their NCEA Drama examinations rather than pencil cases which you cannot see through, and they also need to bring their Identification/NSN number. These minor details are very important when it comes to sitting exams. So, it is a good idea to make sure they know exactly what to do. Being growled before sitting their NCEA Drama examinations can also diminish their confidence, so knowing all the basics rules of sitting NCEA Drama examinations is important.

It may seem obvious too but lots of NCEA Drama students forget to bring pens and pencils to their NCEA Drama exams. They also forget to take back ups in case the ink runs out or the pen is damaged. This is why I run through all the rules of sitting NCEA Drama exams. So, they can arrive prepared and ready to go!

Check out Part 1 of this blog here.

Your child’s education matters to me. NCEA tutorials are available now in English, Drama, Dance Physics and Chemistry.

Tovah O’Neill

Tovah’s Tutoring Company Ltd



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