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NCEA English

Our NCEA English lessons cover a comprehensive range of topics that will build your confidence with NCEA English internal assessments and NCEA English external examinations.

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Essays & Paragraphs

What will I learn with my online tutor during our online tutorials?

NCEA students will learn the correct structure for writing paragraphs and essays with their online tutor. The NCEA student will learn how to add examples, evidence and a critical opinion to their paragraphs and essays. The online tutor will provide a variety of different texts to practice with.


Why is it important to learn how to write a structured paragraph?

NCEA students must learn how to write paragraphs to communicate their opinions and their understanding of different texts that they study.  NCEA students use paragraphs when writing NCEA essays, NCEA speeches, NCEA personal responses, NCEA research tasks, NCEA practice exams and NCEA external exams.


This is why it is important to learn how to write paragraphs and is a focus point within our NCEA lessons.

What if I already know how to write an NCEA paragraph?

If the NCEA student already knows how to write sound paragraphs, then developing sophisticated language and/or critical analysis discussions will be the focus point.

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NCEA Exams

What will I learn with my online tutor during our online tutorials?

NCEA students will learn the rules and processes for sitting an NCEA English exam. The NCEA student will learn how to collect information for their study prep, read an NCEA exam question properly and follow key words appropriately, as well as practice adding examples, evidence and a critical opinion to a typical NCEA exam question. The online tutor will provide a variety of different typical NCEA exam questions and texts to practice with.


Why is it important to prepare for NCEA exams?

It is important to be prepared for Drama exams as the NCEA student may feel overwhelmed when in the official exam. This is because it is a different set up to their usual assessments. NCEA students have an allocated time and strict NCEA conditions, therefore having a plan and being able to know more about what to expect can alleviate some of the pressure.


NCEA students undergo a series of NCEA external examinations. Each school selects which ones out of a choice of up to 3 NCEA examination papers. It is appropriate that the NCEA student studies the NCEA approved texts in the classroom.


  1. NCEA exam 1 focuses on stylistic writing (level 1 only)

  2. NCEA exam 2 focuses on film analysis (level 2 and 3 only)

  3. NCEA exam 3 focuses on stylised writing (level 2 and 3 only)

  4. NCEA exam 3 focuses on analysing unfamiliar text (all levels)


In our online tutorials, the online tutor will view your NCEA English course outline to become familiar with specific text choices and NCEA external assessments you are enrolled in, then the online tutor will work together with the NCEA student to practice answering typical NCEA exam questions. 

What if I am feeling anxious about the NCEA English exams?

NCEA students may feel anxiety over their NCEA external exams, so it is comforting for them to practice the process of sitting exams with our online tutors.  As we are qualified teachers who have taught to NCEA examinations, our online tutor knows how to alleviate the pressures of sitting exams. We do this by practising answering typical NCEA external questions and talk about the process. 


NCEA Personal

What will I learn with my online tutor during our online tutorials?

NCEA students will learn the difference between an informal opinion and a personal response. The NCEA student will learn how to structure a personal response by including examples and evidence. The online tutor will provide a variety of different typical NCEA approved texts and/or informal texts to practice with.


Why is it important to learn how to respond to text?

NCEA students must learn how to personally respond to topics, ideas, themes, films, novels, short stories, articles, oral speeches and other NCEA approved texts that they study. Not only do they need to express their opinions, but they need to write formally and develop a sophisticated writing style.


Personally responding to text is a skill used in not only the Personal Response NCEA assessment, but the skill is also used in NCEA essays, NCEA speeches and NCEA exams. It is also a value skill to use in the wider world when communicating with others and sharing their point of view. 


In our NCEA English online tutorials, the online tutor and the NCEA student will practice responding to a variety of informal and formal NCEA approved texts, so the NCEA student can feel confident knowing how to undergo their personal response assessment(s).


NCEA students see the value in practising responding to text with their online tutor. This is because our online tutorials build confidence in NCEA students, where they will become confident in sharing a critical opinion in an NCEA formal writing structure.

What if I already know how to write an NCEA personal response?

If the NCEA student already knows how to write sound NCEA personal responses, then the online tutor will focus on developing the NCEA student's sophisticated language and/or critical analysis discussions. The NCEA student will explore looking from other perspectives, as well as, direct and indirect influences for creating a text.

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Creative Writing & Language Features 

What will I learn with my online tutor during our online tutorials?

NCEA students will learn how to identify and select language features to write creatively. The online tutor will encourage creation while also role modelling creative writing ideas. The NCEA student will explore the purpose behind styles of creative writing such as poetry, short stories, novels, speeches, autobiographies, biographies, articles and/or scripts. The online tutor will provide a variety of different typical NCEA approved texts and/or informal texts to practice with.

The NCEA student will build their confidence with identifying, analysing, and using language features so they can use these skills in their NCEA English examinations and within their NCEA internal assessments.

Why is it important to learn how to use language features?

NCEA students must learn how to identify and use language features so they can write poems, stories, articles, oral presentations (speeches) and formal essays. For instance, being able to know how to use metaphors, verbs and emotive language correctly will impact the way in which they write. This is why it is important for our online tutors to cover these skills within our NCEA English online tutorials. So, we can make sure the NCEA student becomes a more impactful writer.

What if I struggle with spelling and my work doesn't make sense?

It is very common for NCEA students to know what they want to write but putting it down on paper is another story. This is because both parts of this process are two different kinds of skills; one is planning and thinking, while the other is implementing and writing. This is why our online tutor place importance on creating activities where the NCEA student practises using both skills together, so it becomes natural for the NCEA student to achieve.


It is also a requirement for NCEA English Level 2 and 3 students to be able to proofread their work independently. This is why our NCEA English online tutors provide consistent opportunities for NCEA students to proofread their work and focus on spelling, punctuation and the correct use of words.

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What will I learn with my online tutor during our online tutorials?

NCEA students will learn how to write with the intent to inform, persuade or entertain. They will practice with their online tutor how to structure a speech with language features. As well as writing speeches, NCEA students will practice the performance aspects of speaking. If they are developing an NCEA oral presentation, NCEA students may choose to practice using technologies within their performance practices. 


Why is it important to learn how to communicate and address others?

NCEA students must learn how to communicate a critical opinion through oral language. This ties in well with selecting language features and using them to communicate an important message. By the NCEA oral presentation assessment isn't just about the writing and structure of the NCEA assessment. Another important component is practising delivering the speech as well.


Tovah is one of our online tutors and she is a highly commendable Drama and Performance specialist. Her knowledge, experience and advice with performance is implemented into these online tutorials. This is to ensure all students are equipped with expert strategies, so they can work towards a confident presentation.

What if I struggle with anxiety and speaking in front of others?

It is very common for NCEA students to be nervous when speaking in front of a live audience. Not only have student been affected by COVID-19 isolation, but some have developed social anxiety from a variety of life experiences, as well. Tovah understands this and follows a caring and nurturing process to allow for students to practice and achieve their goals at a pace which works best for them. Tovah is particularly good at building confidence in shy and anxious NCEA students, and they find a sense of pride within themselves under her mentorship. 

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NCEA Film Analysis

What will I learn with my online tutor during our online tutorials?

Our online tutoring service is the perfect resource for students studying Film Analysis. Our NCEA tutorials cover all the aspects of film analysis, including camera angles, camera shots, technologies and These tutorials will build confidence in NCEA students wanting to achieve their NCEA film analysis assessment and/or the NCEA visual exam.

Why is it important to learn how to analyse film and short films?

People are creative. They are able to communicate messages in a variety of different ways; from speaking our minds to telling stories through Media formats. NCEA students must learn to analyse the messages directors communicate through film techniques and technologies. 


Our online tutors and NCEA students work together to analyse impactful scenes focusing on the purpose behind the camera angles, camera shots, make up, costume, props, set, music, sound effects, special effects, dialogue, conventions, relationships, and acting techniques. This allows for the student to consider director decisions and their influences which will in turn impact an audience in a certain way. 

What if I struggle with remembering all the different film terms?

It is very common for NCEA students to feel overwhelmed by any kind of subject terminology. This is why our online tutors have designed a variety of strategies that will help remember information and understand its uses. When they learn these strategies, NCEA students will build their confidence with NCEA, NCEA exams and NCEA assessments. 

Our Tutoring Services

Support with NCEA 

Our qualified teachers will mentor your child through their NCEA assessments.

Support with anxiety and learning needs

We plan online lessons to suit your pace and learning needs.

Support with extension

Our friendly experts love providing extension activities for students who strive for excellence.


Our high school tutors are NCEA experts. 
Tovah is a qualified teacher.

Booking & Enquiries:

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